Streatham Studios - Mixed Use Development

Streatham Studios - Mixed Use Development - Existing Site
Streatham Studios - Mixed Use Development - Proposed View
Streatham Studios - Mixed Use Development - Studios

Project Information

The site, located on Streatham High Road, currently consists of a 1000sqm. industrial shed which provides affordable workspace for 47 artists. This vibrant local community took over the premises, a former an MOT Garage and workshop, in the early 2000s. Unfortunately, the dilapidated building is now beyond repair and only suitable for demolition. 

We were engaged to explore development opportunities for the site whilst ensuring the artists have a fit-for-purpose home for years to come. Working closely with the artist community, we developed a contextual mixed-use scheme of residential units and artist studio space. This new mews street balances the community benefit of affordable artist workspace with new high quality homes.

The artist studios remain the main focus, located at the entrance to the site. The individual studio spaces have large timber doors which open out on the mews street as a means of inhabiting the shared external space.

The residential units, located to the rear, were designed around an unusual three storey typology. This consists of residential duplexes at ground and first floor levels, and apartments at second floor level. This typology mitigates overlooking issues with the 34 neighbouring properties and ensures every unit has their own front door onto the mews street.




Housing & Mixed Use

Streatham, London Borough of Lambeth